I got a roast level color card from #sweetmarias as a gift so I used it to compare two roasts. Squint your eyes and try to decide! I think weight change pre-post roasting might be the better method 😅
Having fun with some #3DEP #lidar #pyvista and some GPS traces from a hike near Boreas Pass, CO.
https://ryanmcginger.gitlab.io/lidarmaps/boreas-pass.html (80MB, takes a min to load)
Ice pellets (tiny ice spheres) that fell last night before the snow. The sound of these hitting the windows was bizarre. #icepellets #cowx
Great day at #loveland! We got first tracks on a run after getting in early. #firstchair #skiing #snowboarding
I appreciate The Colorado Sun's honesty when describing wind-chill: